Culinary Nutrition Services (Food Services)

2024-25 Cumberland Valley School District Nutrition Services Department

The Cumberland Valley Nutrition Service Department subscribes to the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and the School Breakfast Program (SBP) for all school levels in the district. Our primary mission is to provide all CV students with nutritious menu offerings by using fresh ingredients and quality sourced products. We believe in using recipes that not only taste great but are nutritionally balanced too. Our team of food service professionals are dedicated in providing quality food choices to promote a healthier future for all children.

Each day, the school cafeterias offer food components that are identified in the National School Lunch Program. The components are grains, fruits, vegetables, meat or meat alternate and fluid milk. We encourage all students to take all five components when purchasing a lunch meal but they are only required to take three of the five components and one must be a fruit or vegetable to make it a meal. In addition, students are only required to select three of the four items offered for breakfast meals, one of which must be a fruit.

Like many companies and organizations across the nation, our manufacturers and distributors are currently subject to both supply chain and staffing challenges. We will do our best to provide sufficient quantities of all menu choices listed daily. Menu items are subject to change based on the availability of products from our suppliers. We appreciate your understanding as we strive to provide the best possible service to our students.

2023-2024 Update

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Covid 19 universal free meal waiver that Cumberland Valley School District had been operating under expired at the end of the 2021-22 school year.  However, Pennsylvania will be providing free breakfast to all students once again this school year. In addition to this all students qualified for reduced meals will not be charged the usual $.40 but will also be free for this school year. 

If you will have difficulty paying for your child’s meals and you would like to see if you can be approved for free or reduced cost meals, we encourage you to fill out an application for Free/Reduced meals.  The applications are available at School Cafe.

Smart Snacks (A La Carte Options)             

The federal standards, required by the USDA Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, allow schools to offer healthier a la carte snacks to children, while eliminating foods with “empty calories.” Menu items that meet the new regulations will feature “whole grain rich” grain and the first ingredient must be a fruit, vegetable, protein or dairy component. The new mandate will require food items to meet specified nutrient values in calorie, sodium, fat and sugar counts.

Questions about Food Service?

Please contact:

  • Shawn Harlacher - (717) 906-9455 - Food Service Director

  • Elaine Sheaffer - (717) 697-8261 ext 23352 District Supervisor

  • Yolanda Hack - (717) 697-8261 ext 23305 Food Service Secretary

Free and Reduced Meal application

If you have questions concerning the P-EBT Card Benefits, please click below.

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